PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi
Remedial Officer (Collection) - Majalengka
- directions_car Kab. Majalengka
- work Contractor
About the position
1. Mengelola & bertanggung jawab atas terlaksananya kegiatan penagihan A/R overdue (keterlambatan pembayaran) secara tepat waktu. 2. Mengunjungi nasabah dalam rangka penagihan kepada nasabah. 3. Membantu cabang dalam proses penanganan mitra of work
PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi
Kab. Majalengka
Kab. Majalengka
About the company
Pintarnya is a one-stop job seeking platform that allows job seekers to easily find and apply jobs. They can create a simple CV and apply to curated job opportunities based on their preferences and experiences and match them with what the employers’ need. This approach simplifies and makes the hiring process more efficient for both job seekers and employers.Job seekers can also expand their skills through free classes and webinars from various experts.
Relevant places near
- Palimanan
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- Majalengka
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Job ID: 8793720
/ Ref: 7830eb6e6a58a1db830be3d92e00865c