PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi

IT Support

About the position

Kami adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang sedang berkembang membuka kesempatan untuk talenta-talenta muda yang bisa berkembang bersama kami. Kami membuka posisi Staff General Affair dengan kriteria : • D3/S1 Teknik Informatika/Sistem Informasi/Managemen Informasi • Tidak sedang bekerja di perusahaan lain • Berpengalaman (diutamakan) • Domisili Yogyakarta dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan: • Maintanance gedung, alat dan fasilitas perusahaan • Maintanance dan mengembangkan sistem informasi perusahaan • Perizinan • Laporan bulanan ke dinas perindustrian

Place of work

PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi
Kab. Bantul

About the company

Pintarnya is a one-stop job seeking platform that allows job seekers to easily find and apply jobs. They can create a simple CV and apply to curated job opportunities based on their preferences and experiences and match them with what the employers’ need. This approach simplifies and makes the hiring process more efficient for both job seekers and employers.Job seekers can also expand their skills through free classes and webinars from various experts. 

Relevant places near

  • Yogyakarta
  • Depok
  • Kasihan
  • Sewon
  • Gamping Lor
  • Godean
  • Bantul
  • Pandak
  • Bambanglipuro
  • Srandakan

Job ID: 9311025 / Ref: e700a5d223249507ee93570fd9776c38

Apply now

PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi

Number of employees
Internet and Information Technology
Contact Person


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