PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi
Admin Packing Paket Online
- directions_car Kab. Tangerang
- work Part-time
About the position
- Wajib Perempuan/Wanita - Maksimal usia 24 thn - Berperilaku baik, jujur, disiplin, rapi membersihkan pekerjaan, tidak alergi debu, bekerja selesai tuntas - Jika keterima, siap bekerja dan bekerja minimal 3 bulan - Mengumpulkan barang yang di fix customer, print resi, report+foto jumlah barang customer, packing barang, info stock plastik packing, foto paket yang sudah di packing, dan membantu merekam konten beberapa hari sekali Persyaratan/Kualifikasi lainnya : - Lokasi WAJIB dekat dari regensi 2 (kotabumi/cadas/pasar kemis/regensi 1) Kabupaten TangerangPlace of work
PT. Pintarnya Solusi Teknologi
Kab. Tangerang
Kab. Tangerang
About the company
Pintarnya is a one-stop job seeking platform that allows job seekers to easily find and apply jobs. They can create a simple CV and apply to curated job opportunities based on their preferences and experiences and match them with what the employers’ need. This approach simplifies and makes the hiring process more efficient for both job seekers and employers.Job seekers can also expand their skills through free classes and webinars from various experts.
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- Kota Tangerang
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Job ID: 9317992
/ Ref: a4e6873bd22c5a72f84ab42a158c67f1